Monday, July 6, 2009

Independence Day Eve in Park City

Park City was beautiful... eliza had the day off on friday so we went up thursday night and spent friday checking out the town...good to get away for a bit.

awww! we're so cute!

park city (i especially like the 'bling' on the car)

there were some sweet rides...

...and some even sweeter ones! (jessie?)

chillin' with Franz da Bear

hey! what's goin' on here?!?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Spain!!! Ole!

Spain was awesome....we went for "genealogical" purposes, aka to find our ancestors but we had some fun on the way.  we were in the southern part of spain and spent most of our time trying to get into a church in a little town called Albanchez.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

we had our "dress rehearsal" yesterday for my robot racers senior project.  here's a link to a video or our car running one of the courses.  we had the fastest time of the day, 52 seconds.  check it out:

Sunday, March 29, 2009

SLC Trip

we went to salt lake to go exploring.  we went to an orchestra thing that was very culturally out-of-my-league, as was the salt lake art museum.  the library was actually pretty cool.